Monday, March 10, 2008

Do-It-Yourself Termite Treatment

We are increasingly becoming a world of people who like to do things ourselves. Whether it’s because we want to save money or just like the satisfaction of taking care of our own things, sometimes we like “getting our hands dirty” and learning how to do new things.Even termite treatment is possible for the avid do-it-yourselfer. There are a variety of commercial products on the market with professional strength that you can use. They are available in many places, but we suggest you look in a home improvement store to find the best selection.
There are two ways you can approach do-it-yourself termite treatment: termite baiting and chemical application.

Let’s first take a look at termite baiting. Since this is probably the easiest way to approach do-it-yourself termite control, it seems like a logical place to start. You won’t be working directly with chemicals, so it is probably the safest way to start as well.

Take a quick survey of your property. Draw a rough graph of the home. On this can show locations of doors, windows, gutter down spouts, air conditioning drains, stumps, firewood, bushes, etc.

As you walk around the perimeter of your home, take note of damp conditions which are conducive to termites caused by shade, poor drainage, air conditioner condensation, etc. Mark these on your graph.

s a rule, you should position bait stations at 8-10 feet intervals. However areas that are conducive to termites such as the following conditions, it would be advisable to have bait positions placed at closer intervals.

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