Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Here's An Idea For Hot Sauce Use It To Discipline Your Kids

Children certainly are hard to control, so it is important that we all remember back to our own childhood to try and come up with better ways for disciplining them when it comes time to punish them. There is certainly no need for inflicting lasting pain on your child, which doesn't mean that I do not advocate spanking. Spanking is done, but very rarely. Other parenting techniques should take precedence before inflicting any kind of pain on your child.

Some families have even resorted to a highly controversial technique of dispensing hot sauce on the tongues of their naughty children. This technique has raised eyebrows at many child protective agencies and even with state governments.

The best suggestion is to take a parenting class. There are many excellent programs offered free of charge that anyone can attend. The classes offer excellent insight into the psyche of your kids, as well as great advice on how to reward and how to punish. It is an interesting fact that as parents we often forget to reward our children for doing good things, but we rarely forget to punish them when bad things happen.

We get bombarded every day with tips and advice from people who do not have any children themselves, so participating in a parenting class will allow you to get feedback from people who also have kids and are struggling like you are to find good ways to discipline them.

Every kid is different, and needs a slightly different approach in order to change behavior. One of the most common problems that I notice in the household is that Dad is always sitting at the computer, while Mom is wrestling with two fighting children. It is critical that both parents be intimately involved in not only disciplining children, but in rewarding them as well. When done properly, there should be no reason for beating your child or putting hot sauce on his or her tongue.

At the risk of getting evangelical, we should do unto others, as we would have them do unto us. I guess that includes the way we treat our kids. We want to be treated with respect, acceptance, appreciation, and admiration, so we should do the same for our kids, especially in public. I know it's a tough road to take, but just keep in mind that evil things always come easier to our minds than the good things. For the sake of our kids, it is time to take a different stance.

Another excellent suggestion is to have a strong network of friends, that have kids also, and get together often with them to share your ideas and experiences concerning parenthood. Join a church group perhaps, and find ways to keep your children active so that they stay out of trouble. There are tons of free activities that your kids can do over the summer, and all through the school year as well. All it takes from you is a little bit of your time and patience. If you spend that time and patience wisely, your reward will be a lifetime of love and respect from your kids.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as hot sauce at www.shop4hotsauce.com

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