Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hardwood Floors ? Benefits and Advantages

The Hardwood Floor offers a lot of advantages than other types of Flooring. Due to this, the present trend is to use Wood Flooring than wall to wall carpeting. Though the price of Hardwood Flooring ranges from $8 to $10 per square foot that is comparatively higher than the carpeting or the common laminates that has the same look more and more home owners select the Hardwood Floors for their homes.

The following are some of the benefits of Hardwoods. It will help you when you decide to install hard wood floors, or may be while changing your old carpeting and refinish the wood underneath.

Solid-wood floors last for long even for hundred years or more. Wood floors are more durable than other floors. There are very few flooring materials that is around like wood. Wood has shown itself to be a lovely and durable floor choice for over many Centuries. The other newer materials haven?t proved themselves yet like the Hardwood.

Hardwood is not only more pleasant to move on than laminate, because laminate always gives a cold feeling and a little plastic underfoot, but Hardwood is naturally warm. Wood has the capacity to hold heat because it has thousands of tiny air chambers per cubic feet.

The Hardwood floors do not become a breeding ground for mold, mildew and dust mites, all of which can be tough on anyone with allergies. Also the Wood Floors don?t give pollen, animal dander, mold, etc. any place to hide and thrive. Cleaning the Hardwood Flooring is also easy and can be made entirely clean unlike the Carpets. People with any kind of allergy are safe with Hardwood Flooring.

A little sweeping and a little mopping is enough to clean the hard wood floors, and your hardwood floors will keep looking nice for a long time to come. Even families with dogs and kids are realizing that it's easier to mop a hardwood floor than try to spray, scrub, wash. Another bonus is that a scratch here or a gouge there really just adds character to wood floors. It is easy to refinish your hard wood floors with perfection at any time you want.

When you want to live in the same house for the rest of your life, you should think about how the flooring choices you make today will affect the price you can get for your home when you sell it after many years. The Hardwood Floors last a long time and add value to a home. Laminate Floors doesn?t have the same warmth and feel like the hardwood floors. Though lamination Floor looks like Wood Flooring home buyers prefer Wood Flooring the most.

The Hardwood Flooring has the artistic value in them and they have very many benefits than stated above. Hardwood Flooring looks gorgeous than the other alternative flooring. If you are ready to pay an extra couple dollars per square foot, then your best choice should be hard wood flooring.

John Gibb is the owner of hardwood flooring sources

For more information on hardwood flooring check out http://www.Hardwood-Flooring-Sources.Info

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