Saturday, August 30, 2008

Orec XLR Robotic Vacuum and Air Purifier

Today we see awesome vacuum cleaners and little robotic vacuum cleaners. We see in catalogs special air purifiers like the Ionic Breeze and on Television the Orec XL home air purifier. We also see robots, which can entertain us in the form of household size robotic replica pets. All these are some great innovations indeed and all are very worthy of mention. Yet, one has to wonder why we cannot have an all-in-one? And why not, we consumers seem to have an appetite for consumer personal tech products. The average American Household was recently surveyed and found to have 25 personal tech electronic devices each. Is it possible to put these features all together and make a more efficient household robotic assistant? I believe it is possible. How so you ask?

I propose that the Orec Vacuum Cleaner Company, which was nearly destroyed in the Hurricane Katrina, develop the ?Orec XLR Robotic Vacuum and Air Purifier? which will vacuum like the iRobot Romba, but also clean the air while doing so. This way you get a real powerful clean up, while cleaning all the dust in the air and ?Animal Dander? which we are told exists too? As consumers we know that when we want something, some entrepreneur will produce it if he or she can make money doing it. So what are they waiting for? I do not have time to vacuum, I must go workout and get rid of this unsightly holiday belly bulge, because diet failure is not my fault. Think on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

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